Where does it originate?

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, September 23, 2021
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A2g (Mitochondrial DNA)

The origin of A2g is the Nahua-Otomi people of central Mexico. More specifically,

The Otomi or Otontin were an elite Aztec military order, named after the Otomi people. The Otomies (Otontin [21]) were another warrior society who took their name after the Otomi people who were renowned for their fierce fighting.

Thank you so much, Vanessa Hansen

4th great aunt. Sorry. My 3rd great grandaunt :)
Per DNA.

She is one of my very favorite relatives!
I will keep adding her descendants as they come into my DNA matches at Ancestry and I look forward to learning more about this particular HONEYCUTT line!
Milly is my fourth great aunt or 3rd great grand aunt if you prefer that lol
She shows in Thru lines as the daughter of my 4th great grands.

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