Leopold III, King of the Belgians - "New" Extended DNA Report: Rev./Dr. Alfred Edward Cota-Moch who is the unknown Son of HRH. Leopold III., King of the Belgians

Started by Robert Elroy Smith on Monday, October 11, 2021
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I first met Alfred Edward Cota-Moch, in late 1999, at the Los Angeles's 218th Celebration of it's founding's. I was the President of the Los Pobladores 200, the Ancestral Association of the Spanish Founders, and with Robert Earle Lopez, the Past President, Genealogist, who had looked at Alfred's genealogy and saw what may have been a similar ancestral lines in Europe. I had started to complete my genealogy, based on one obituary of my grandmother's sister, and after completing or correcting some errors, I had joined the Los Pobladores 200 in July 1995. Bob Lopez was also a historian, a researcher, and a United States Army Aviation, Veteran of World War II. Since then, Alfred Moch had worked with me on both of our ancestry, for correctness and as my lines lean more toward Great Brittan and as far back as 386 AD and of my Native American Indian and Spanish Ancestry to the Spanish California time period as far back as 1492 with the Owner of the Spanish Ship "La Pinta" , and to the Spanish Invasion under Cortez in 1521, parts of my mother's ancestry have been here over 500 years. In addition, my mother's ancestry includes the Houses of Stewart, Tudor, Plantagenet, Breck (Brecc), De Bruce and others. I'm also of the British Founders under John Winthrop of Massachusetts, New England in 1630-32 to the American Revolutionary War, the Wars in Europe and my own War in South Vietnam in 1969-1970 and my other assignments in the United States Army, Military Intelligence and Signal Corps, October 1968-February 1989. And after I retired from the military in 1989, I was hired on with the United States Customs Service, Office of Investigations, (Homeland Security Investigations today), and at Alfred Moch's request, I reviewed the Geni.com and Ancestry.com's documentations for possible errors.

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