Note: Jesse Gray, Tory who died in Nova Scotia did not die until 1841. Jesse Gray, father of Rawdon Gray, died on February 3, 1819. Recorded on 20 January, 1820 Book A. pages 365-366. Jesse Gray's sale was on 9 January, 1820.
(It is not clear to me if Jesse Gray of Caldwell County had another son besides Rawdon Gray who may also have been named Jesse. Some of the recorded dates appear leave the door open for that to be the case. It is clear however that Rawdon (variously Rodden, Rowden, Raudon Gray) was the administrator of Jesse's estate. Rawdon's sister, Ellender or Elendor Gray is referenced in Order Book E, pg. 147, Caldwell County, 18 October, 1824 as a minor heir of Jesse Gray, Deceased. Rowden (Rawdon) Gray is listed as her guardian. Rowden is leaving not to return. Arthor Downs is listed as security for Rowden.
Many years ago I received a letter from Modelle Cope Lee who like me was a member of the Pace Society of America. She asked if I were a descendant of Jesse Gray of Caldwell County. I am and Ellender Gray was her ancestor. We corresponded for several years.
My Gray family oral history is that our Grays are Scottish and came to this country from Ireland so I believe we are Scots-Irish likely from the Ulster Plantation.
This line has been difficult for me to trace and I hope that YDNA test results will ultimately lead to definitive answers.
This Caldwell County material is provided by Happy Greer, who transcribed and abstracted it from microfilmed copies of the original Court Order Book.
Extracts Caldwell Co,KY,Court Order Bk.A, 1819:
Caldwell County, Kentucky, Court Order Book A, 1819:
JAN. 25, 1819, Monday
p. 56--
Court in Session, Princeton Courthouse. Pres. A. H. DAVIS, Wm.
DUNCAN, Henry CLARK & Jno. WEEKS Esqrs.
Letters of Admn. granted Raudon GRAY on estate of Jesse GRAY
dec'd, $8000 bond, Henry ROWLAND & Wm. DUNCAN secys.
E.L.HEAD Undertaker of the Jail.
Apprsrs Jesse GRAY estate: Wm. DUNCAN, Edwd. OWENS, Vincent
ANDERSON, Jas. BROWN [p. 57] & Jno. FULKS [FALKS?]
Pres. Jas. MORSE
p. 57--
Asbury HARPENDING owning land on lower side of Sugar Creek
at mouth thereof on Tennessee River & desiring to establish
ferry across said River on lower side of said creek--ordered
to be established. bond £70, Jno. MERCER Jr., secy.
Euphamy GRAY widow & relict of Jesse GRAY dec'd, dower to be
laid off & set apart in estate by Saml. GLENN Esqr., Wm. CHAND-
LER, Edwd. OWENS & Wm. BOND & to report.