Halstein Knudsen Ranum - Parents of Halstein Knudsen

Started by D'Arcy Hande on Monday, October 25, 2021
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Halstein's parents were Knut Gullicksen Ranum (1713-1784) and Sigri Halsteinsdatter Hande (1718-1794), married 16 Oct 1738 in Aurdal.
Tore Ey, VANG OG SLIRE (1916), p. 529
L. Midthaug, VALDRES-SOGA (1944), pp. 418 & 422
Aurdal parish records
Mother's probate record, 1719
I am pleased to communicate with anyone interested in their respective ancestors.
Many thanks for all the contributors to this genealogical database thus far.
D'Arcy Hande

Married. SAH, Aurdal prestekontor, Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1730-1762, s. 38-39
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070603910128
Knud Gullichsen Ranum og Siri Halsteinsdatter ibid (the same).

Siri’s Parents
Halsteen Olsen Ranum
BIRTH 1697 • Hande Nedre, Vestre Slidre, Oppland, Norway
DEATH 1745 • Midtre Raneim Nord-Aurdal, Oppland

Ingeborg Nilsdatter Ranheim
BIRTH 1693 • Nord Aurdal, Oppland, Norge

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