In my DNA I have Discovered that there has been a back mutation and a recombination in my DNA, and when comparing my parents samples with mine in a advanced Bronze age origins test which is a high-resolution DNA test, which calculates the proportion of 10 ancient gene pools in your genome. This is what i have Discovered
Mums Gene pool composition.
East Africans 0%
Canaan and Anatolia 1.2%
Northeast Asia 7.8%
European Bell Beakers 52.8%
Yamnaya 29.1%
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba 0%
Atlantic-Celtic 5.3%
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba 3%
South Paleoamerica and Oceania 0.4%
North Paleoamerica 0.4%
Dads Gene pool composition.
East Africans 0%
Canaan and Anatolia 1.2%
Northeast Asia 0%
European Bell Beakers 56.8%
Yamnaya 32.7%
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba 0%
Atlantic-Celtic 5.8%
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba 2.2%
South Paleoamerica and Oceania 0.8%
North Paleoamerica 0.6%
My Gene pool Composition
East Africans 0%
Canaan and Anatolia 1.4%
Northeast Asia 6.7%
European Bell Beakers 49.7%
Yamnaya 26%
Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba 8%
Atlantic-Celtic 5.2%
Middle-Late Bronze Age Albion and Alba 2%
South Paleoamerica and Oceania 0.5%
North Paleoamerica 0.5%
In my Gene Pool composition I Have an extra 0.2% Canaan and Anatolia, i Have also gained 8% Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba where both my parents have 0%,
My paternal grandparents Lines are :
Swann – Grandfather
Reay – Grandmother
My maternal grandparents Lines are :
Allen – Grandfather
Raine – Grandmother
My medieval great grandfathers are :
Swann – Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England
Reay – Cináed mac Alpín
Allen – Alain-fitz-Flaald-Seneschal-of-Dol
Raine – Conan I 'le Tort’ de Rennes, duc de Bretagne
From reseaching into these four lines, I have been able to build these four lines to the Kingdoms of Anatolia and to the tribes of israel
From Reasearching into my confirmed Y-DNA haplogoup is R-BY41654 - R1b1a1b1a1a1b
I have found this Royal haplogroup: R1b1a1b1a1a1b has Subclade Match distance of 0 with Thomas Tomaidh Mor (1430) Clan MacThomas.
I have also been able to work out a male line for him also to the Kingdoms of Anatolia and to the tribes of israel.
I believe the recombination in Anatolian DNA has given me the 8% Early Bronze Age Albion and Alba which proves that the origins of early bronze age Albion’s and Alba’s came from Anatolia
And this makes the Boscombe Bowmen Amesbury (King of Stonehenge) (2300 BC) my Deep Dive Match! 93% closer than others who share this deep dive sample
Please see my Photos and Videos of these comparison's on my geni profile
Any Comments on my Findings would be Greatly Appreciated