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In my tree this has been verified thru DNA matches. and its locked right now

William Angel

I have him as William Henry married to CAtherine Hazard and she is not listed with a last name. She was born in abt 1710 in Cumberland Co., Virginia

I have father as Edward Angell married to Susannah Price

Susan P. Livingston is William Angel's 7th great granddaughter.
William Angel
→ Nicholas Angella
his son → William Angel
his son → Archibald Andrew Angel
his son → Malinda Angel
his daughter → Henry James Watters
her son → Martha Anne Stephens
his daughter → Minnie Manda Jane Stephens
her daughter → George Maryan Pass
her son → Susan P. Livingston
his daughter

Your 8th cousin matches to Edward Angelli and Susannah Price matches pile on what Chrome and what segment? Are they ferretted out for endogamy?

We need citations. See the “about” and the sources added to profile. A birth date of 1710 for Catherine, named as wife by William Angela in his 1769 Will, would indicate she’s not the mother of some / all of his named children. Which child are you tracking?

Ah, sorry, through Nicholas.

The following is a copy of the will of William Angella/Anglea written December 7, 1769 and probated January 26, 1778 and March 23, 1778.

Item I give to my son Nicholas Angella one shilling sterling. …
Item I lend to my beloved wife Catherine during her natural life the land and plantation whereon I now live likewise all the residue of my estate of what nature soever; ….

I share DNA matches back to William Angell 1600 with three of his children. What are you saying is different? . I dont have proof of Hazard name and I dont have her parents. The Henry part was a middle that what you are negating?

I am looking for written evidence of the claims of parents, middle names, dates, locations, etc.

We have Will evidence for Nicholas as son of William Angella who also named his wife Catherine, so that’s all good on Geni.

I did look at Ancestry trees and saw some that called her Catherine Hazard, dying in Maryland before William wrote his Will naming her. So that can’t be right.

ok I will take her off.

I dont match up to any Hazards anyway except for middle names in the Perry family. II know that family has something to do with Indians though.

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