This person has facts that correspond to two different people and needs to be corrected. I don't seem to have the ability to do this even though I am now a manager. I have contacted the curator. The man who died in Virginia is not the same person who died Oct 1769 and was the father of Jennet (aka Mary) Ray, who married Michael Robinison.
Dear Dr. Latta,
I attempted to respond to your request for manager status fr Wm. Rea, but received a message that the invitation was expired. Did you get authorized yet?
I’d be happy to learn more about your research. Rea is my 6th great grandfather. But I have some questions about his children. Thanks-
Carl Ernst
I’ve started a separate tree. Feel free to request management, and to contribute.
William Rea of Orange County Married Catherine Rea
Parents of Jennet ‘Mary” Robinson William Rea, Jr. wife of Joseph Allison & wife of Patrick Rutherford
Will of William Rea of Little River, County or Orange and Parish of Saint Mattherw, North Carolina signed October 1769 indicates that Catherine (formerly Robinson) was his wife, William Rea his son, Daivd his grandson. David is the son of Janet "Mary" Robinson. His stepson is shown as Michael Robinson.
Listed in Orange County will of 11 March 1794 is his son, William. He was born in 1730 and Married Martha Sehon in 1750. His children were Robert, William, John, James, Christain, Elizabeth, and Isobel.
The spelling of Rea changed to Ray, but name changes was a common event either due to miscopying or just to simplification as Ray is spelled in various manners and they change with time.
My tree descends trom William's son James who was my 4th great-grandfather.
Will of William Rea of Little River, County or Orange and Parish of Saint Mattherw, North Carolina signed October 1769 indicates that Catherine (formerly Robinson) was his wife, William Rea his son, Daivd his grandson. David is the son of Janet "Mary" Robinson. His stepson is shown as Michael Robinson.
Listed in Orange County will of 11 March 1794 is his son, William. He was born in 1730 and Married Martha Sehon in 1750. His children were Robert, William, John, James, Christain, Elizabeth, and Isobel.
The spelling of Rea changed to Ray, but name changes was a common event either due to miscopying or just to simplification as Ray is spelled in various manners and they change with time.
My tree descends trom William's son James who was my 4th great-grandfather.