Margretha (Marit) Olsdatter Guttorm - Parents of Martretha (Marit) Olsdatter Guttorm

Started by Private User on Monday, November 8, 2021
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  • Private User
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Does anyone have source information to confirm the parents of Margretha (Marit) please? For example her marriage to Ole Gedinius Jonson.

My records show a different Marit, also born in Utsjok in 1840. Her parents were Ole (or Olof) Mathison Tutio (Tuutio) and Britha (Brita?) Andersdatter Kitti.

The birth records for Utsjoki seem to be missing for 1821-1840:

Do other copies exist?

I found this profile on MyHeritage. I presume that is where the details came from. I do not have a subscription so I cannot look at it to see if it has any sources:

Margretha (Marit) "Mâthe-Ovllà-Màret" Johnsen (born Olsdatter Guttorm), 1840 - 1908
Margretha (Marit) Johnsen (born Olsdatter Guttorm) was born on month day 1840, at birth place .
Margretha married Ole Gedinius (Ol Jonsa) Johnsen .
Ole was born on April 4 1831, in Nærøy, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway.
His occupation was Fisker, gårdbruker.
They had 7 children: Marianne eller Marianna Nilsen (born Olsdatter) , Anne Rønningen (born Olsdatter Lillevig) and 5 other children .
Margretha passed away on month day 1908, at age 67 at death place .

There is one thing interesting on this page:

Marith Olsdotter Tuutio (20/5/1840) is listed in the same family group and directly before a Margreth Mattsdotter Guttorm (28/9/1805)

This page is very interesting. It shows the family at Nuorgam at the time Marith was born:

What is most interesting is that it shows Marith twice. Her mother Brita (Britha) Andersdatter (born Kitti) (1812) is first listed with husband Anders Michaelson (9/7/1822) and then with husband Olof Mattsson Tuutio (1/4?/1801)

Olof Tuutio appears to be Brita's first husband based on the number of children shown in each group.

Can anyone read what it says beside Britha Andersdatter just after födt Kitti? It looks like Krut gift le nodf.

On the Norwegian census records for 1891 and 1900 Marit gives her date of birth as 1843 at Utsjoki. The Utsjoki birth records for 1843 have no entry for a Marit:

Unfortunately the records are missing for 1840.

The other Marith appears in 2 census records for 1867-1876 because she moved from one place to another on 26 Dec 1868.

The first record has Pükoja at the top of the page. It shows her in a group with Kristina Persdtr (1818) and Margreta Mattsdtr (1805).

The second record has Prolappalaisia (reindeer herder) at the top. It shows her having moved on 26 Dec 1868 and married to a Nils Hanssen (1846), son of Hans Andersson (1818) and Kirstina Nilsdatter (1819).

Ok, so I have proved that she is not the Marit who married Ole Gedinius Jonsen because their daughter Marianne was born in Norway in 1864 and their son John was born in Norway in 1866.

I believe that Guttorm and Kitti are place names according to this:,_Lappi,_Finland...

Presumably they were the names of farms where people lived, and were used as part of their names, as also occurred in other Scandinavian countries at the time.

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