Samuel / Zorach (Zachary or James) (Rozaitsky) Rosenberg - Wife and Children

Started by Private User on Saturday, November 13, 2021
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Samuel Rosenberg son of Jacob & Toba Rosenberg, who each died in Burlington VT, is mentioned in a 1907 obit as Samuel of New York,
in a 1919 obit as Zorach of New York City, in a 1920 obit as Sam of New York, and he is apparently the brother referred to on a 1924 obit as being "in New York"

Samuel spouse of Hattie appears as Sam on the 1900 Census, Samuel on the 1910 Census and 1915 NY Census - on each, living in New York - with wife Hattie and all children listed born in Vermont. On 1920 Census, he is Samuel, living in NY, no wife listed, fewer childrenvlisted, but clearly same family.

It is TENTATIVE that these two are the same Samuel.

It seems likely to me, and apparently to others since it appears that way on some Trees others have created, but I have not seen anything definitive yet.

Private User and anyone else who cares about these:

Please be on the lookout for any Record Matches or Documents (as opposed to Tree Matches) which confirm that

1) the Samuel Rosenberg who is the son of Jacob and Toba (Fine) Rosenberg is the same Samuel Rosenberg who married Hattie Ethel Siegel
It seems likely to me, but definitely not proven yet.

2) A Lea or Leah Rosenberg who is the child of Samuel and Hattie Ethel (Siegel) Rosenberg is the one who married a Rosenheim.

3) A Frieda (Rosenberg) Greenberg = Frieda Greenberg
is really the child of Samuel and Hattie Ethel (Siegel) Rosenberg or whose is she???
On the 1900 Census, Hattie is listed as 6 born, 6 living - and 6 children are listed. There is no Frieda, and none that is likely her by a different name.
Moreover, one of the Sources confirmed for her has her born in Russia in 1891 - but the family has been in the US since the mid 1880s.

I did not understand wh;y Who brought up (Rozaitsky).

Jacob Jehudah Rosenberg was connected to Toba Fine as her husband with children David Rosenberg, Hirsh Rosenberg, Shimon Rosenberg, Mayer Rosenberg and 3 others.
Dec 29, 2010 at 5:49 PM

Zorach Rosenberg was imported to the tree by Ryan Elliott Shell.
Nov 26, 2009 at 5:15 AM

If you click on "3 others" (a link in blue) in the original of the above, you will get the expanded version - Private User and I are in different Time Zones, so Time appears different - but this is just what he posted, expanded to show all the children there:
Jacob Jehudah Rosenberg was connected to Toba Fine as her husband with children David Rosenberg, Hirsh Rosenberg, Shimon Rosenberg, Mayer Rosenberg, Max Rosenberg Bloom, Zorach Rosenberg and Isaac Rosenberg
Dec 29, 2010 at 7:49 PM
Aside: Revisions Tab says done by Geni - I was in Geni then, and recall there was a stretch Geni glitched, so think by Geni there means they lost the data on who did it.

I am not seeing this as relevant to who the children of Samuel / Zorach are, definitely not to any of the specific questions I ask just above -- but it does demonstrate that Herbert Bloom was not originally included as one of the children of Jacob and Toba (a separate topic, but one I am interested in)

Samuel and Hattie Ethel (Siegel) Rosenberg only had 6 children who lived to adulthood.

Lee George Ross currently appears to me as <private> Rosenberg but a search on "Lee Rosenberg" pulls him up.
He is probably a duplicate of Lee George Ross who currently appears as Jacob Leon Rosenberg.
I am still trying to confirm that they are the same person.

I am also still trying to confirm that Irwin George Rosenberg - currently shown as Isadore Rosenberg - who is on the 1900 Census as Isadore, the 1910 Census as Irving - later went by Irwin George.

I am no longer following this discussion with LOIS. Stop using my name MS on discussion. Good bye.

I have found the records confirming that Isadore on the 1900 Census who is Irving on the 1910 Census later went by Irwin George. See Birth on his Timeline.

--Frieda married Max Laskow in 1913 and Max Greenberg in 1927
--The 1913 Marriage Record for Frieda (per FamilySearch) gave her name as Frida Rosenberg -- her Father's Name as Samuel - her Mother's Name as Hatties Cohen.
In other words, her parents were not Samuel Rosenberg and Hattie Ethel (Siegel) Rosenberg!

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