Juliana Belknap (Darset) - Source URL?

Started by Private User on Friday, November 19, 2021
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
11/19/2021 at 10:00 PM

This information would sure mean much if there were a more complete source name and a URL link added,
"46 Edward III, vol. __, pp. 157-58: States Juliana was the daughter of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Phelipp of Baddock [Baldock] and his wife Isabel"

Private User
11/20/2021 at 12:46 AM

In Calendar of the Patent Rolls for 46 Edward III (Volume 15), searches for "Baddock" (Baldock) and "Belknap" (Bealknap) turned up nothing for this cited reference. And "Phelipp" turned up zip/nada. So maybe I'm in the wrong text, who knows.



In my failed attempt to track it down, I stumbled onto an exhaustive list of sources for the Belknap genealogy, but haven't sifted through them yet.


And in keeping with the topic of sources on the same profile, do these look at all relevant (they don't to me):



Private User
11/20/2021 at 12:51 AM

I don't see "Darset" in there, either.

Private User
11/20/2021 at 1:34 AM

Here are a sampling of Fine Rolls, but I've yet to find the reference given in the profile. With all the spelling variations to complicate matters, having to track them down every time is discouraging. The reason for providing sources is so that people can check them for verification.


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