George Pratt - Genealogy

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Saturday, December 4, 2021
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12/4/2021 at 12:34 PM

I think he is descended from a slave owner and female slave.
I also think there was a "name change" and is NOT a PRATT by Y.

Appreciate any assistance on this my closest brick wall.

2/12/2022 at 11:30 AM

I think this is correct?:

Generations back % DNA inherited relationship

1 50% Parent
2 25% Grandparent
3 12.5% Great Grandparent
4 6.25% 2xGreat Grandparent
5 3.125% etc, etc
6 1.56%
7 0.78%
8 0.39%
9 0.19%
10 0.09%

I have "0.4% Senegambian & Guinean" per 23&me at the 90% confidence level and appears to me to be my mom's mom's dad's dad's DNA.
My second great grandfather has no paper trail that I can find but a pro genealogist says likely his records just aren't online yet.
I suspect it is more than this and am curious if there are pointers on how to found your (my) African ancestor when you are only working from DNA...
AncestryDNA does NOT show anything they consider trace. says "In general, DNA showing ethnicity below about 5% is viewed as somewhat questionable and below 2% is often considered to be “noise.” Clearly, that isn’t always the case, especially if you are dealing with continental level breakdowns, as opposed to within Europe, for example. Intra-continental (regional) ethnicity breakdowns are particularly difficult and unreliable, but continental level differences are easier to discern and are considered to be more reliable, comparatively."

Since this is an entirely DIFFERENT CONTINENT, it is considered RELIABLE.

2/12/2022 at 11:33 AM

I have not hired a professional genealogist (yet). When I get answers, I will post them publicly.
Thank you for "your" interest in this journey of mine.

2/12/2022 at 11:33 AM

I have not hired a professional genealogist (yet). When I get answers, I will post them publicly.
Thank you for "your" interest in this journey of mine.

2/12/2022 at 11:36 AM

George 1850 is FOUR generations back. SO my 100% African ancestor for this maternal line may be another 4 generations back. THAT will be another journey I'm sure.
For now I just need an official record for the man called George Pratt and feels like I am banging my head on that proverbial brick wall rather than chipping away at it.

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