Russian Orthodox Leinis from Деревня Шулколово and Leininmäki

Started by Annaliisa Abramova on Thursday, December 9, 2021
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12/9/2021 at 12:07 AM


Could someone with access to the Russian Saint Petersburg digital archives check out the Russian Orthodox Leini family from Деревня Шулколово and/or Leininmäki?

I have several lines for the Leini family I am stuck with since, the either marry a Russian Orthodox person and leave the Finnish Churchbook and vice versa, they suddenly appear in the Leininmäki Finnish Churcbooks from the Russian Orthodox faith.

I want to either confirm or rule out their relatedness to the Leininmäki Leinis.

The first one would be one Andreas Jacobs-son Leini born in 24.02.1830 in Leininmäki who married in 1854 one Paraskova Nikitina of Russian Orthodox faith. Their common children are not in the Finnish churchbooks which makes me assume they were of the Russian Orthodox faith, because as soon as Andreas Jacob-son Leini dies in the next churchbook two Leini men who bear a fathers name Andreas appear without any marked close Leini relatives who are from Russian Orthodox church.

Could some kind person check who has access to the the Russian archive if Andreas Jacob-son Leini is the father for Sakari Andreas-son Leini and Joseph Andreas-so Leini who just appear in the next churchbook without any relatives. I have added links to the sourches I have to their profiles.

Andreas Jacob-son Leini:
Andreas Jacobss. Leini

His potential children.
Sakari Andreas-son Leini (born in 17.05.1874)
Sakari Anderss. Leini

Josep Andreas-son Leini (born in 23.09.1866)
Joseph Anderss. Leini

Now there are some other Leinis and their widows who just appear in Leinimäki churcbooks from the Russian orthodox church.

Could someone check Elisabeth Johan-daughter Leinis birth-record (13.02.1905, brobably from Деревня Шулколово to see what was her fathers full name is)

Elisabeth Johanstr. Leini

Could someone check out the children birth-records for this Jacob Leini (again probaly from Деревня Шулколово) to learn what his full name was.

Jacob Andreass. Leini

He was married to Catharina Viktors-daughter Vasiljeva

Catharina Viktorstr. Leini

Their oldest child Johann Jacob-son Leini was born in 05.1891, so they had to marry before that time.
Johann Jacobss. Leini

All the help is appreciated.

Annaliisa Abramova

Private User
12/9/2021 at 6:55 AM

Hi Annaliisa,

I don't currently have paid access to the archive but I guess you are referring to Shulkolovo (Шулколово) also sometimes referred to as Shulkola (Шулкола). That was but that "county" was quite large. Do you by any chance know the name of the Russian Orthodox church to look for? My best guess is that the area was Duderhof (Tuutari), modern,_Saint_Petersburg, this spot on the old map -

Most likely Trinity Orthodox church (Троицкая красносельская церковь) served that area, but a quick search only returned 1912-1916 years

12/9/2021 at 10:52 AM

I think the best bet is probably this church:

Private User
12/9/2021 at 11:10 AM

That's it, it's exactly the same church as I suggested, but I could not quickly find records from this church for the years other than I mentioned in my previous message.красносельская

Maybe someone knows exact archive codes for this church for other years?

Private User
12/9/2021 at 11:31 AM

Ah, I've finally found them. Church books are availbale since 1891 -

Older records are in another fund and are not continuous, the oldest seems to be from 1738 -

use "Красное Село" in the query form to see them all (it returns 64 results)

Private User
12/9/2021 at 12:08 PM

Annaliisa Abramova I can take a look.

12/9/2021 at 10:22 PM

Both of you thank you so much for the help!

12/13/2021 at 5:06 AM

As a conclusion! all the asked about Leinis were the children or grandchildren of the before mentioned Andreas Jacob-son Leini. So now all the profiles have found their place in the Leininmäki Leini familyt-ree-

1/29/2022 at 3:32 AM

Hi Again!

Lets continue with the Russian Orthodox Leinis in Tuutari in this same topic.

I had some new Russian Orthodox Leini profiles pop-up in Lemetinmäki village, and perhaps together we can figure out if and how they are related to the Lutherian Leinis in the nearby villages.

The first profile is for Elisabeth Andersdottir Leini born in 10.10.1862, married Paul Joseph-sohn Oikimus from Lemetinmäki, and after her husbands death Johann Joseph-sohn Oikimus from Lemetinmäki. Accepter Lutherian faith in 1905, before that she was Russian Orthodox.

Jelisaveta (Elisabeth) Anderstr. Oikimus

If anyone can look up Elisabeths parents or birth-records and her lineage I would be grateful.

Another profile again is Elisabeth Jacob-daughter Leini, who is a wife of one Michael Johan-son Oikimus, and mother of Armas Michael-son Oikimus. She probably married Michael in the year of 1921, atleast she shows up in that year in the Lemetinmäki churchbooks. Sadly no birthdate is written in the two dokuments I have access to.

Elisabeth Jacobstr. Oikimus

Here is another profile for a person with exactly the same name. Are they the same person or is this just a coincidence?

Elisabeth Jacobstr. Oikimus

Can anyone figure out if this two Elisabeths Jacobs-daughter Leini is the same one who appears in 1917 in Leininmäki village? Any ideas how to confirm or rule out if they are the same person or not, or just bare the same name?

Elisabeth Jacobstr. Leini

Private User
1/29/2022 at 1:03 PM

I cannot check the archives as I don't have access at the moment, but I'm pretty confident they are all from the same family. Only the descendants of the aformentioned Andreas Jacobsson Leini seem to have been Russian Orthodox, while all the other Leinis were lutherans. There were alltogether only a few families from Sulkula that were othodox (usually a lutheran man married to a Russian othodox woman, children of such marriages were by law Russian orthodox). So Jelisaveta must be the daughter of Andreas Jacobsson Leini. The two other Elisabeths should indeed be one and the same person, daughter of Jacob Andreasson Leini.

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