This Matthias Thomas-son Kapanen just shows up in Riehkala in Rippikirja nr. 16.
Can anyone read what is written in the note about him? The ink is blurry so the text is hard to read. It is the first entry in the page.
Tuutarin seurakunnan arkisto - Rippikirja 1841-1850 (I-16), jakso 165, sivu 148: Riehkala; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=5752862 / Viitattu 18.12.2021
These are the only potential fitting parents I could find for him who were in Riehkala, died while Matthias was young. There were other Thomases in Riehkala but Matthias was not marked as a child of any of the other Thomases or a younger brother to any children of the other Thomases. His entry stands at the end of Riehkala village, all alone.
Potential parents:
Thomas Henrik-son Kapain and his wife (14.07.1776-20.05.1833)
Chrisina Eriks-daughter Stanberg?? (1783-21.06.1835)
Tuutarin seurakunnan arkisto - Rippikirja 1831-1840 (I-15), jakso 166, sivu 155: Riehkala; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=5752413 / Viitattu 18.12.2021
Anyone has any thoughts or ideas about the parents of Matthias?