George Rosen - Identity

Started by Private User on Saturday, December 18, 2021
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
12/18/2021 at 12:57 PM

All below Added Oct. 2, 2021 by the same person:

George Rosen -- Birth: circa September 15, 1885 Krementschuk, Poltawa, Ukraine
Death: circa 1970 (76-93) Albany, Albany County, NY, United States
Husband of Rose (Rabineau) Rosen

Rose (Rabineau) Rosen -- Death: June 1949 Albany, Albany County, New York, United States

Irving David Rosen -- Birth: circa February 12, 1912 Albany, Albany County, NY, United States
Death: circa December 03, 1962 Albany, Albany County, NY, United States
Immediate Family: Son of George Rosen and Rose (Rabineau) Rosen
Husband of Rose (Rappaport) Rosen -- Father of Joyce Rosen

I am assuming this is a family group that should be kept together.
This is important because George is/was also shown as the sibling of Sophie (Rosen) Haimowitz.
and son of Meyer (Rosenberg) Rosen and Frieda Rosen BUT these are not the same family!!

Private User
12/18/2021 at 1:56 PM

It seems the info for George, and the others mentioned above as taken from a Tree at Ancestry.

On AncestryLibrary the link for George on that Tree is

So on Ancestry it is

However, the Documentation tieing George to parental family is WRONG -- the 1910 Census given there is for a different Meyer Rosen!!

Private User
12/19/2021 at 1:14 PM

There is a 1910 Census for a Meyer Rosen, age 55, Head, with wife Frieda Rosen, age 48 and children Isidor Rosen age 21, Pauline Rosen age 14, Julius Rosen age 12, and daughter Katie Paulinger age 26 with her husband and child. They are living in Manhattan.
Sophie arrived in 1914, so does not appear on 1910 Census, but this is her family. Meyer's 1924 Naturalization Petition lists 9 children, including Sophie. No George.
Katie's 1954 Death Notice llsts 8 siblings - so with her that makes 9 children. It is clearly the same 9 children, includes Sophia Haimowitz, no George.

There is a different 1910 Census for a Myer Rosen, age 57, Head, with wife Sarah Rosen, age 57 and children George Rosen age 24, Samuel Rosen age 20 and Isael Rosen age 18. They are living in Albany, NY.
This is George's family.

Private User
12/20/2021 at 9:52 AM

I plan to separate George from his current parents, leaving them as the parents of Sophie.
If anybody has any reason to believe they had the same parents, or even just the same father, please add the documentation to the profile and/or reference the evidence in this Discussion.

Private User
12/20/2021 at 4:15 PM

Private User - Since you have provided a link to that suggested match, I know you have seen this discussion.
I assume if you had any evidence that George and Sophie had the same parents, or objection to my separating George from that family, you would have mentioned it.
So I have removed George from those parents.
Would you like to add Profiles for George's parents, Myer and Sarah Rosen? (A different Myer Rosen from Sophie's father Meyer Rosen)
Or should I?

Private User
12/21/2021 at 6:25 AM

Yes, you can manage for George's parents. There is not clear for a 1910 Census

Private User
12/21/2021 at 6:41 AM

The 1910 Census for a Myer Rosen, age 57, Head, with wife Sarah Rosen, age 57 and children George Rosen age 24, Samuel Rosen age 20 and Isael Rosen age 18 - living in Albany, NY - is the 1910 Census given in the Ancestry Tree referred to in - it seems consistent for George, but I may hold off on adding the others, looking for more confirmation since you see it as not clear it is the correct family for George.

Private User
12/21/2021 at 7:57 AM

Name: George Rosen
Age in 1910: 24
Birth Date: 1886
Birthplace: Russia
Home in 1910: Albany Ward 2, Albany, New York, USA
Street: Broad Street
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1906
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Myer Rosen
Father's Birthplace: Russia
Mother's Name: Sarah Rosen
Mother's Birthplace: Russia
Native Tongue: Yiddish-Eng
Occupation: Plumber
Industry: Contractor
Employer, Employee or Other: Employer
Naturalization Status: A
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Out of Work: Y
Number of Weeks Out of Work: 0
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members Age Relationship
Myer Rosen
57 Head
Sarah Rosen
57 Wife
George Rosen 24 Son
Samuel Rosen
20 Son
Isael Rosen
18 Son

Private User
12/21/2021 at 7:59 AM

The 1920 Census
Name: George Rosen
Age: 34
Birth Year: abt 1886
Birthplace: Russia
Home in 1920: Albany Ward 3, Albany, New York
House Number: 42
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1902
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Rose Rosen
Father's Birthplace: Russia
Mother's Birthplace: Russia
Native Tongue: Russian
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Roofer
Industry: Plumbing Co
Employment Field: Employer
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members Age Relationship
George Rosen 34 Head
Rose Rosen
29 Wife
Irving Rosen
7 Son
Ruth Rosen
4 Daughter
Alfred Rosen
0 Son

Private User
12/21/2021 at 8:00 AM

The 1930 Census
Name: George Rosen
Birth Year: abt 1885
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age in 1930: 45
Birthplace: Russia
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Albany, Albany, New York, USA
Map of Home: Albany, Albany, New York
Street Address: Delaware Avenue
Ward of City: First
Block: 16S
House Number: 291
Dwelling Number: 166
Family Number: 248
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Value: 16, 000
Radio Set: Yes
Lives on Farm: No
Age at First Marriage: 25
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: Russia
Mother's Birthplace: Russia
Language Spoken: Yiddish
Immigration Year: 1906
Naturalization: Naturalized
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Merchant
Industry: Metal Phuto
Class of Worker: Employer
Employment: Yes
Household Members Age Relationship
George Rosen 45 Head
Rose Rosen
41 Wife
Irving Rosen
17 Son
Ruth Rosen
14 Daughter
Edith Rabineau
62 Mother-in-law

Private User
12/26/2021 at 9:45 AM

Why did you put private profile?

Sarah Etta Feneck

Private User
12/26/2021 at 12:02 PM

I see you have changed your name again, from "Bloom" to "M. Bloom" - and are posting a totally off-topic comment here.
However. I will respond -
She was born way more recently than 150 years ago, so Geni defaulted her to Private.
However there is enough info now to know she must be deceased, and you are interested in her, so I will make he public.

Please reciprocate and make Lee George Ross public

Private User
12/28/2021 at 6:41 AM

I made Leon Lee George Rosenberg public.

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