My father, Szaje Rosenberg was born in Ulanow on March 4, 1920. he was the oldest of six born to Moshe Rosenberg and Kreindel Graff Rosenberg. She was born in Ulanow to Raphael and It Beer Graff in 1892. My father, his parents and siblings survived WWII in the Soviet lion together with his aunt Golde Graff Langburt, her husband and their four children. He never returned to Ulanow after the war. I am interested in information about pre-war Ulanow, especially if any photographs of the unique schul destroyed by the Germans. It had a ceiling and perhaps walls of painted biblical scenes, I've been told. Thank you. Cordially, Elaine Rosenberg Miller
My husband and I visited Poland in 2016. We went to Ulanow and there were no remnants of the schul. There is a man who has a museum in the town, Museum Historyczne Miasta Ulanów. You can get in touch using cypel2000@wp.pl. Our tour guide took us to Lančut, which had recently restored the synagogue there in the style you mention. I can share the photos I took there, if you are interested. I have sent you my email in a private message.