My Dad went to Cairo during the period 1939 to 1943 not sure wat battalion. He was 18 years old. When he resturned his muscles started to deteriate and they classified him as having muscle distrofy as of which I do not believe. It has taken me a long time to try find out information, but I am sure if I keep on the path I will find the truth.
There is no such decease in our family and was a very healthy young man. He did at the age of * years of which is also in question to how he lasted so long with muscle distrofy. I am sending out this message hopeing someone also had a soldier in their family that did mine sweeping or knows of other military persons that came back with the same symptoms. I know somehow it has an effect on our family and I need to find the truth of was it maybe some sort of chemical substance that could have effected his and other soliders muscles when the mines maybe we detected and nobody realised it then and just gave it a name by the Doctors in the army.
Hope someone can help. My family needs answers even if it was years ago we are struggling with the diagnose and children were born from this how would it effect these childrens bodies later in life.
Thank you
Esther Badenhorst