Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 has a marriage event listed in his profile after his death date.
Tip: Go to the profile of Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 (died August 29, 1848) and review his death date and events.
Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 and his spouse Wilhelmina Johanna Naudé are 72 years apart.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 (born before December 22, 1782) or the birth date of Wilhelmina Johanna Naudé (born May 20, 1855).
Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 had 1 child between the ages of 64 and 65 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Pieter Stephanus Naudé, a2b5 (born before December 22, 1782) or the following child:
Ellen Magritha Petronella van Helsdingen
Perhaps someone can shed more light on why these inconsistencies pop up?