Tobias Mostert, a1b10c4d1 - Children attributed to incorrect/lack sources

Started by Private User on Tuesday, December 21, 2021
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Private User
12/21/2021 at 8:13 AM

Tobias Mostert (Jan/Johannis Mostert's son)

I strongly believe that the children attributed to Tobias Mostert are incorrect. He was incorrectly recorded as married to :

Maria Petronella Hennop, b3

The Tobias Mostert married to Maria Petronella Hennop was infact:

Tobias Mostert (Ockert Mostert's son)

I disconnected and reconnected so that the partners are correct.

I subsequently removed Tobias Johannes Mostert from the incorrect Tobias Mostert father and reconnected him to the correct parents.


Tobias Johannes Mostert

I suggest that the remaining children, namely :

Ockert Christiaan Mostert
Anna Catharina Mostert
Hugo Hendrik Mostert
Nicolaas Gerhardus Mostert
Ockert Tobias Mostert
Hilletje Helena van Sittert
Johannes Frederik Mostert
Petrus Albertus Mostert
Helena Johanna Frederika Mostert

be disconnected from Tobias Mostert pending soures on their parents so that he can be merged with:

Tobias Mostert (Jan/Johannis Mostert's son)

I have found sources for the changes I have made so far paying particular attention to the patronyms to ensure that the correct Tobias Mosterts are connected to the correct Mostert parents.


Michele Woodroffe previously Jacob (nee Mostert)

Private User
12/24/2021 at 1:53 AM

Hilletje Helena van Sittert's ( Hilletje Helena van Sittert) parents are likely Tobias Mostert (Ockert's son) and Maria Petronella Hennop as her first born daughter, following naming conventions of the day (first daughter named after maternal grandmother) was name Maria Petronella (Maria Petronella van der Spuy).

I have made the necessary changes.

Private User
12/24/2021 at 3:20 AM

Johannes Frederick Mostert's Baptism to Tobias Mostert and Maria Petronella Hennop has been found and I have mad the necessary changes to his parents.

Johannes Frederik Mostert

Private User
12/26/2021 at 12:00 AM

Hi Michele, great find I will assist too, by moving children and adding his correct wife. Yes, 2 cousins born about the same time with the same names... :)

Found some sources which will be added along the way.

Private User
12/26/2021 at 1:43 AM

Hi Jan,

Thanks for your response. Due to the Mostert's adhering to naming conventions, cousins with the same or very similar names , close in age and often living in the same area occur to this day. I would appreciate your help in untangling this branch. It will be good to have a collaborator.

I look forward to working together.


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