Ellen Louise Wolf is my 17th cousin four times removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Luella B Ingram
her mother → William Henry Harrison Rush
her father → David Rush
his father → Jeremiah Rush
his father → Michael Rush, Sr.
his father → Peter Rush, Sr.
his father → Elizabeth Letitia Rush
his mother → Elizabeth Lewis
her mother → Mildred Warner
her mother → Col. George Reade, Esq., Acting Gov.
her father → Mildred Reade
his mother → Frances Windebank
her mother → Sir Edward Dymoke, Kt.
her father → Sir Robert Dymoke, Champion of England
his father → Lady Margaret Dymoke
his mother → Joan (or Cecilia) Welles
her mother → Joan de Waterton
her mother → Sir William de Everingham
her father → Margaret Hastings
his sister → Margaret Wingfield
her daughter → Sir Robert Wingfield, Kt. of Letheringham
her son → Sir Robert Wingfield, II, Lord of Leatheringham
his son → Elizabeth Wingfield, Lady Brandon
his daughter → Margaret "The Younger" Manning
her daughter → John Manning, of Downe
her son → Elizabeth Fylbrigg
his daughter → Thomas Fylbrigg, I
her son → Thomas Philbrick, of Watertown & Hampton
his son → Lt. James Philbrick
his son → Elizabeth Berry
his daughter → Rachel (Berry) Folsom
her daughter → Isreal Folsom, Sr. of Prince William Co, Va
her son → Ebenezer Folsom
his son → Sophia Lk-lo-ha-wah Pitchlynn, Iksa Hachotukni
his daughter → Rhoda Push-humma Howell
her daughter → Ellen Louise Wolf
her daughter