Sheila Jean Marian McLauclan - About Me

Started by Sheila Jean Marian McLauchlan on Monday, December 27, 2021
12/27/2021 at 9:24 AM

I was born in 1961 in Picton, New Zealand and my first home was at Cape Jackson in Queen Charlotte Sounds at the topmost end of the South Island, NZ. It was a remote farm with access by launch only and my first trip home was in an apple box specially kitted out for the trip home on The Merrimac, our trusty boat.

My playmates were big sister Gabrielle and later a brother Jock. By age 4 we left the farm for Nelson as Gabrielle was starting school and Schooling by Correspondence wasn't really Mum's idea of fun.

I spent 6 happy years swimming at Atawhai, Kai Teri Teri and Rabbit Island beaches while Dad worked at a local Timber Yard and felled trees in his weekends with me in tow as number one helper!!

Our next move was to Eketahuna as Dad missed the farming life and wanted a farm to hand onto his son. We were by that time City Kids with an attitude and didn't really relish the idea of going to a 'backwards country school with a teacher who didn't want to teach and a bunch of country bumpkins'. No, we didn't appreciate the move at all!

The next few years were spent happily mustering, swimming in the river and loving the farming life before I left for Wellington to begin my working life. I took a job with T&G Mutual Insurance Company, went flatting, learned how to party with University Students and have an unwarranted amount of fun. I lasted 3 years before I left for Auckland and my Sister Gabrielle's company.

I went back to working for an Insurance company before trying out waitressing, Temporary working and Accounts work before settling into the Video Industry for 10 years.

I met the love of my live, Glenn, shortly after arriving in Auckland, albeit on the Ski Field at Mt Ruapehu and began a love of skiing. We married in 1988 after 7 years together and decided not to have kids!!

But, I changed my mind about the kids.... and thanks to Lisa Tudhope we are now the proud parents of one fabulous little boy, my greatest achievement ever!

Together Glenn and I run HQ Cutting Services, our fashion cutting business. It's hard work and not overly profitable but we are together every day, so it's lucky that we're also the best of mates.

Our biggest challenge has been owning a leaky home. We ended up completely demolishing a 17-year-old house so we could rebuild a new home which didn't leak like a sieve. It was a horrendous process and we went from mortgage free to being owned by the bank, but we have a fabulous house and I have a fabulous family to thank for everything. So Yes, Life is good.

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