Commodore Thomas Tingey - Sarah A Dulany

Started by James Shook on Friday, December 31, 2021
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Am I to assume by the timeline that the mother of Sarah Ann is Margaret Murdoch? She and Thomas married in 1777 and Sarah was born in 1791: He did not marry again until 1812, when he married Ann Dulany. I am confused.

You don't have to assume anything, just click on Sarah's profile and it will tell you who her parents are!?

Sarah Ann Dulany

Knowing her parents, and viewing the timeline of her father or mother, one might make some assumptions about her birth date ... but facts are better than assumptions!

There are a number of "user branches" which have her birth as 1791; has her birth 1782, though, with a census record supporting that year. Both are "feasible" as to the births of her children.

Sorry I touched a nerve with “assumed”. I am new to genealogy and have used assumed most of my life. I understand the problem using it, and will attempt not to in the future. I am not jumping on anybody, I just didn’t realize how difficult it makes getting to the real information. Thanks a lot for correcting me. And I do appreciate the feedback.

I am sorry also, I assumed when you used the word assume... well you can see where this is going!

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