Sigurd Carlson - Why does it say private in front of first names/

Started by Private User on Monday, January 10, 2022
Problem with this page?


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1/10/2022 at 4:30 PM

Living profiles are by default private. Private means only close family can see the profile. You are not yet connected to the Geni World Family Tree. If you are closely related to Sigurd you'll need to continue to build your tree until it overlaps with profiles on the Geni World Family Tree. Once you have an overlap, a merge can place between the duplicates joining you to the Geni World Family Tree. At that point any private profiles that are within the max family distance from your pforile should be viewable.

Private User
1/11/2022 at 12:32 AM

It could also profiles actually named <private>, which is a result by using SmartCopy - automatic tree-building form another site by someone that did not have full access to that and forgot to clean up.

If you have access just fill in the info. Geni is a common tree for everyone.

Private User
1/11/2022 at 11:49 AM

Okay but you cannot add grandfathers role on here. Weird.

Private User
1/11/2022 at 11:53 AM

But I am directly connected. I am the one oosting images and asking managers to add content. Arnhild and Sigurd raised me. There bio daughter oldest child is my bio mom. I have a direct relationship to this entire family. As I am a direct descendant. I dont have a pro account yet. As I have to wait to afford. Otherwise, I am doing my best to navigate. Also, my bio mom Arnhilds first born is not even accurately represented. As no one knows if she is living still or dead. Last contact with her was in 2000

Private User
1/11/2022 at 11:55 AM

But I am directly connected. I am the one oosting images and asking managers to add content. Arnhild and Sigurd raised me. There bio daughter oldest child is my bio mom. I have a direct relationship to this entire family. As I am a direct descendant. I dont have a pro account yet. As I have to wait to afford. Otherwise, I am doing my best to navigate. Also, my bio mom Arnhilds first born is not even accurately represented. As no one knows if she is living still or dead. Last contact with her was in 2000

Private User
1/11/2022 at 12:53 PM

When you go to the profile of one of your parents - just below the About section - right side - do you not see "Add Family" ?

1/11/2022 at 5:55 PM


I'm guessing that you current have a profile of Sigurd and Arnhild set as your parents? And you have them set to Private. This can explain why we are confused. The profile of Sigurd that is attached to this discussion is a different copy of Sigurd and is set to Public.

I would recommend setting your versions of Sigurd and Arhild to public so we can merge the two versions together. From there you would have full access to all of those currently private profiles. Right now Geni doesn't know about any connection between you and the Sigurd attached to this discussion.

Private User
1/11/2022 at 6:10 PM

Private User - you do not add folks explicitly as grandparents on Geni - you add parents to the profiles of parents.
Same thing, different way of saying it. That is why I asked if you could see "Add Family" on your parents' profiles.

But Jonathan's suggestion is very good, and if you follow it, grandparents will already be there.
You will also be able to add yourself as their manager if you want once you are connected - no need to ask or create a duplicate.

Private User
1/11/2022 at 11:16 PM

Okay. I thought I had bis set to public. I will fix it. Sorry for needing help. Thanks for the help.

1/12/2022 at 3:06 PM

Now that you are connected, you can freely contribute and share what you know without needing to ask someone else to do it.

Private User
1/12/2022 at 5:48 PM

But if / when you do need help with something, this is a good place to ask:

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