Debbie Reynolds is my 18th cousin once removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Luella B Ingram
her mother → William Henry Harrison Rush
her father → David Rush
his father → Jeremiah Rush
his father → Michael Rush, Sr.
his father → Peter Rush, Sr.
his father → Elizabeth Letitia Rush
his mother → Elizabeth Lewis
her mother → Mildred Warner
her mother → Col. George Reade, Esq., Acting Gov.
her father → Mildred Reade
his mother → Frances Windebank
her mother → Sir Edward Dymoke, Kt.
her father → Sir Robert Dymoke, Champion of England
his father → Lady Margaret Dymoke
his mother → Cecily Willoughby
her sister → Sir Christopher Willoughby
her son → Catharine Willoughby
his daughter → John Heydon
her son → Elizabeth Cournay Rodgers
his daughter → Elizabeth Eyre
her daughter → William Eyre
her son → William Eyre
his son → Joseph Eyre
his son → Jane Fouquet
his daughter → William Humphrey Fuqua, Sr.
her son → Mary Elizabeth Maxey
his daughter → Josiah Maxey
her son → Frances "Fanny" (Maxey) Puckett
his daughter → Martha Ann Duvall
her daughter → Frances Lair
her daughter → Darilla Ann Eubanks
her daughter → William Granville Reynolds
her son → Raymond Francis Reynolds
his son → Debbie Reynolds
his daughter
Debbie Reynolds is your fifth cousin thrice removed.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks (Emerson)
your mother → Ossie Mae Emerson (Pratt)
her mother → Maudie May Pratt (Crawshaw)
her mother → Margaret Frances Crawshaw (Brown)
her mother → Winnie A. Jackson (Bunch)
her mother → Elizabeth Bunch (Kitts)
her mother → Amy Beard Kitts (Adkins)
her mother → Winifred Atkins (Dyer)
her mother → Agnes A. Jennings (Dyer)
her sister → Rachel Prigmore (Jennings)
her daughter → Joseph Monroe Prigmore
her son → Pearl Ruby Reynolds (Prigmore)
his daughter → Raymond Francis Reynolds
her son → Debbie Reynolds
his daughter Consistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Shortest in-law relationship
Debbie Reynolds is your third great aunt's third cousin twice removed's ex-wife.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Arvel Yewell Hicks
his father → Theodore E. Hicks
his father → William J Hicks, Survived Andersonville Prison
his father → Alvis Duncan Hicks, 7th Tennessee Regiment, USA
his brother → Margaret E Hicks (Richardson)
his wife → Cinderella Richardson (Hudson)
her mother → Alexander Hudson
her father → Robert Hudson
his father → Martha Hudson
his sister → Amey Emma Kent (Swain)
her daughter → Martha Ann Carter (Kent)
her daughter → John Benjamin Carter
her son → Lena Elva Hamlett (Carter)
his daughter → Richard Ronald Hamlett
her son → Debbie Reynolds
his ex-wife
Curator, please check.
Erica Howton when a "famous" person shows as a fourth cousin, likely there is a mistake in the Big tree and this is going the same route as the Kocoum of the Patawomeke path you said was not correct
Can you please look?
Well-- not 4th cousin. But close.
I have been working out my BUNCH line and this is Winnie A. Brown Jackson 's maternal since I am hung up on Bunch
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087
I’m sorry, I still don’t understand what it is, in a long path, I’m supposed to look at.
When I trouble shoot my own path, I look at each of the steps, and if something looks off, that I investigate, specifically. Often it turn out to be something like resolve data conflicts. If it’s still not making sense to me, I check the “specific” nodes.
It’s a useful exercise, but really time consuming.
Erica Howton thank you for weighing in.
It will keep.
Just don't know what is off or if anything is, even.