Debbie Reynolds - Cousins

Started by Rachal Bhnay Davis on Thursday, January 13, 2022
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1/13/2022 at 3:09 PM

Debbie Reynolds is my 18th cousin once removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Luella B Ingram
her mother → William Henry Harrison Rush
her father → David Rush
his father → Jeremiah Rush
his father → Michael Rush, Sr.
his father → Peter Rush, Sr.
his father → Elizabeth Letitia Rush
his mother → Elizabeth Lewis
her mother → Mildred Warner
her mother → Col. George Reade, Esq., Acting Gov.
her father → Mildred Reade
his mother → Frances Windebank
her mother → Sir Edward Dymoke, Kt.
her father → Sir Robert Dymoke, Champion of England
his father → Lady Margaret Dymoke
his mother → Cecily Willoughby
her sister → Sir Christopher Willoughby
her son → Catharine Willoughby
his daughter → John Heydon
her son → Elizabeth Cournay Rodgers
his daughter → Elizabeth Eyre
her daughter → William Eyre
her son → William Eyre
his son → Joseph Eyre
his son → Jane Fouquet
his daughter → William Humphrey Fuqua, Sr.
her son → Mary Elizabeth Maxey
his daughter → Josiah Maxey
her son → Frances "Fanny" (Maxey) Puckett
his daughter → Martha Ann Duvall
her daughter → Frances Lair
her daughter → Darilla Ann Eubanks
her daughter → William Granville Reynolds
her son → Raymond Francis Reynolds
his son → Debbie Reynolds
his daughter

5/3/2022 at 5:38 PM

Debbie Reynolds is your fifth cousin thrice removed.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks (Emerson)
your mother → Ossie Mae Emerson (Pratt)
her mother → Maudie May Pratt (Crawshaw)
her mother → Margaret Frances Crawshaw (Brown)
her mother → Winnie A. Jackson (Bunch)
her mother → Elizabeth Bunch (Kitts)
her mother → Amy Beard Kitts (Adkins)
her mother → Winifred Atkins (Dyer)
her mother → Agnes A. Jennings (Dyer)
her sister → Rachel Prigmore (Jennings)
her daughter → Joseph Monroe Prigmore
her son → Pearl Ruby Reynolds (Prigmore)
his daughter → Raymond Francis Reynolds
her son → Debbie Reynolds
his daughter Consistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Shortest in-law relationship
Debbie Reynolds is your third great aunt's third cousin twice removed's ex-wife.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Arvel Yewell Hicks
his father → Theodore E. Hicks
his father → William J Hicks, Survived Andersonville Prison
his father → Alvis Duncan Hicks, 7th Tennessee Regiment, USA
his brother → Margaret E Hicks (Richardson)
his wife → Cinderella Richardson (Hudson)
her mother → Alexander Hudson
her father → Robert Hudson
his father → Martha Hudson
his sister → Amey Emma Kent (Swain)
her daughter → Martha Ann Carter (Kent)
her daughter → John Benjamin Carter
her son → Lena Elva Hamlett (Carter)
his daughter → Richard Ronald Hamlett
her son → Debbie Reynolds
his ex-wife

Curator, please check.

5/3/2022 at 7:10 PM

What is it curators are supposed to check?

5/4/2022 at 10:27 AM

Erica Howton when a "famous" person shows as a fourth cousin, likely there is a mistake in the Big tree and this is going the same route as the Kocoum of the Patawomeke path you said was not correct
Can you please look?

5/4/2022 at 10:28 AM

Well-- not 4th cousin. But close.
I have been working out my BUNCH line and this is Winnie A. Brown Jackson 's maternal since I am hung up on Bunch

5/4/2022 at 10:31 AM

It does look like someone worked on that one. The path to me now is Kocoum of the Patawomeke is your 11th great grandmother's husband's brother's partner's uncle. Going through dad now instead of mom

5/4/2022 at 1:05 PM

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087

I’m sorry, I still don’t understand what it is, in a long path, I’m supposed to look at.

When I trouble shoot my own path, I look at each of the steps, and if something looks off, that I investigate, specifically. Often it turn out to be something like resolve data conflicts. If it’s still not making sense to me, I check the “specific” nodes.

It’s a useful exercise, but really time consuming.

5/4/2022 at 1:41 PM

Erica Howton thank you for weighing in.

It will keep.

Just don't know what is off or if anything is, even.


5/21/2022 at 7:42 AM
5/21/2022 at 7:43 AM

23trd cousin twice removed

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