"Eidswald" and "Furabraaten"

Started by Private User on Tuesday, January 18, 2022
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  • Photo by Clément Bucco-Lechat. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lillehammer_2016_-_Speed_skating_Men%27s_500m_race_2_-_Austin_Kleba.jpg
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  • Via U.S. federal government record at https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?viewrecord=1&r=an&db=NaraNatsWisconsin&indiv=try&h=163308 . Public domain.
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Private User
1/18/2022 at 6:18 AM


I am trying to get U.S. speed skater Austin Kleba better connected into the World Family Tree prior to the Olympics next month.

His great-great-grandmother Inga Caroline Overmoe said on her U.S. immigration documents that she was born as "Inga Nilsen" on 26 July 1894 in "Eidswald, Norway," and that she lived in "Furabraaten, Norway" before emigrating.

I'm assuming that "Eidswald" is really Eidsvoll in Akershus, Viken county. Do you all think that would be correct? And, do you have any guesses what "Furabraaten" would be?

Tusen takk!

Private User
1/18/2022 at 6:50 AM

l recon this is her. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/255/pd00000022341244
Born in Nannestad, Akershus. Inga Karoline Nilsdatter/Nilsen

Private User
1/18/2022 at 6:53 AM

Here is the birth of a younger sister, and now the name of the farm is Furubråten. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/255/pd00000020132560

Private User
1/18/2022 at 10:18 AM

Eidswald is most likely Eidsvoll in Akershus, Viken county, yes. The place name "Eidsvoll" might have been spelled and/or pronounced as "Eidsvold" when she lived in Norway (which is close to the name of "Eidswald" on her U. S. immigration documents).

Private User
1/18/2022 at 1:21 PM

I tried to search through both "SAO, Eidsvoll prestekontor Kirkebøker, SAO/A-10888/F/Fa/L0004Parish register (official) no. I 4, 1891-1900", and "SAO, Eidsvoll prestekontor Kirkebøker, SAO/A-10888/F/Fb/L0001Parish register (official) no. II 1, 1882-1897", to see if I couldn't find the baptism record of Inga Caroline Overmoe (Nilsen) But I couldn't find a baptism record for an Inga Caroline/Karoline born on 26 July 1864 in there, unfortunately.

Based on Line Ørmen's reply to your original post, I tried to search for "Furubraaten" in Nannestad, Akershus. There I found an Inga Nilsen born in 1894 in Eidsvold Ak (here: Eidsvold (now Eidsvoll) Akershus) living with her parents, August Nilsen (born in 1854 in Aker Ak (Aker Akershus)) and Karen Kristoffersen (born in 1867 in Nannestad herred). She had two sisters: Marie Nilsen born in 1892 in Nannestad herred and Thea Nilsen born in 1897 in Eidsvold Ak (Eidsvold Akershus).

Here is the link to the "1900 census for Nannestad": https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01037042000406

The information in the "1900 census for Nannestad" matches that of the information in Inga Caroline's baptism record (which Line Ørmen linked to above), such as the names of her parents and the year that her parents were born.

In the "1910 census for Nannestad", August Nilsen (born 9 August 1858 in Kristiania (present-day Oslo)) and his wife, Karen Kristoffersdatter (born 19 December 1868 in Nannestad), lived on Furubraaten (plads) at Fjeldet in Nannestad sogn, Nannestad, Akerhus, together with their daughters Thea (born 29 April 1897 in Nannestad) and Mina (born 26 October 1904 in Nannestad), who had the maiden name Nilsen, and son, Kristian Nilsen (born 28 July 1907 in Nannestad). It seems that Inga Caroline has moved out before then as her name isn't listed.

Here is the link to the "1910 census for Nannestad": https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01036389003117

Also, please see the "1920 census for Nannestad": https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01073698001814

By the year of 1920, the Nilsen family had changed their surname from Nilsen to Furubråten, and as Line Ørmen wrote above, the name of the rural residence was in 1920 Furubråten.

Here is Inga Karoline Nilsen Furubraaten's confirmation record: https://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20060911040257.jpg (please no. 14)

She born on 26 July, 1894, at Berger bruk in Eidsvold and baptised on 9 September 1894, according to her confirmation record; which also matches up with information in her baptism record that reads "Berger Brug i Eidvold" (Brug and bruk means the same thing, although the words are spelled differently :-) ): https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060209020637 (please see no, 8 for your reference). Her parents were <<Selveier August Nilsen og h. Karen Kristofersen>> (translation: self-owner August Nilsen and his wife Karen Kristofersen).

Inga Karoline Nilsen Furubraaten lived in Furubraaten, and was confirmed on 3 October 1909 in Nannestad parish, Akershus, according to her confirmation record.

I think I found Inga Nilsen in the "1910 census for Vang"; in the year of 1910, Inga Nilsen worked as a maid and lived in Nannestad, but was on a short stay in Opl Kaval. remonte-etabl. in Solvang census district in Vang, Hedmark county, according to the transcribed census: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01036398000070

Inga Karoline Nilsen, born in the year of 1894, out-migrated from Nannestad to the United States (which reads as "Amerika" in her out-migration record) in December 1911, according to her out-migration record: https://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20060911040316.jpg (please see no. 9 in the year of 1911 for your reference).

Which year did Inga Caroline Ovemoe (Nilsen) immigrate to the United States? If was in December 1911 or early in 1912, then the Inga Karoline Nils in the Norwegian records may well be Inga Nilsen in the U.S. immigration record.

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