database refresh

Started by Private User on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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i added a profile 3 hrs ago. when i search for it it won't show in the results.
does always take that long? it used to be a LOT faster...

it's even worse. i added a profile 8 - 9 hrs ago and it still doesn't appear in the results list when i search for it

Did the addition take?
Is there a typo explaining why it is not found?

Are you sure it is really there?
I have never known it to take that long.

Is it showing now?

it's there.
but it takes MUCH longer than before.

you can test it yourself. just add a fake profile and wait

i added this profile
Sara Franschman
4 hours ago.
it doesn't appear in the list when i search for it

Time where I am is 9:58 AM. (It will be a few minutes later when I finish and post). It shows rvk's message above as 9:08 AM
Message in upper right when I do a search says "Profiles created or updated before today at 7:00 AM"

which does not actually explains why it was not showing on his search nor on mine since that profile says. Created "2 hours ago"
Tho 2, not 4

Private User now it says 5 hours ago

rvk added Rachel Franschman, Levie Franschman, Rebecca Franschman, David Franschman, Eva Franschman, Benjamin Franschman, Sara Franschman, Leentje Franschman, Leendert Franschman, Benjamin Franschman, Janna de Kovel and Gerrit de Kovel « less to the tree. 5 hours ago

AH - that is deceptive.
What it actually means is - rvk added these profiles, and for this set, he added the first one 5 hours ago.

Same for lists of profiles updated, and same for sets of Documents uploaded


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