Frieda (Rosenberg) Greenberg - Parents

Started by Private User on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Frieda married Max Laskow in 1913 and Max Greenberg in 1927
--The 1913 Marriage Record for Frieda (per FamilySearch) gave her name as Frida Rosenberg -- her Father's Name as Samuel - her Mother's Name as Hatties Cohen.
In other words, her parents were not Samuel Rosenberg and Hattie Ethel (Siegel) Rosenberg!

1) On the 1900 Census for the Sam and Hattie. Rosenberg family, Hattie is listed as 6 born, 6 living - and 6 children are listed. There is no Frieda, and none that is likely her by a different name. Morover, the children were all born in Vermonf, and Sam is listed as having been in the US 18 years, Hattie for 15 years. So both since well before 1890.
2) On. Frieda's 1942 Death Record (per AncestryLibrary) her is-Birth Date: 4 Jun 1891 and she was born in Russia. -- On her 1913 Marriage Record she is age 23, Birthplace Berlin, Germany -- and on the 1917 Naturalization Petifion of her then husband Max Laskow she is listed as born in born in Kalisk Russia.-- Not 100% consistent, but clear she was not born in the US, and was born after Sam and Hattie (Siegel) Rosenberg were in the US.

Private User - Since you added and manage her, thought I should let you know: For the reasons given above, I plan to disconnect her from Samuel and Hattie (Siegel) Rosenberg.

I have added enough profiles so she will still be connected to the World Tree.

Private User - The link you provide gets me to a request to purchase a MyHeritage Complete Plan or Data Base Subscription. I have no idea if, if I did so, it would get me to anything relevant to Frieda (Rosenberg) Greenberg or her parents.
The profile you link to in your next post gets me to a Profile that is currently not connected to the World Tree and does not seem to have anything to do with Frieda (Rosenberg) Greenberg or her parents.

In 1930 United States Federal Census

Erwin Rosenberg
Gender: Male
Birth: Circa 1890
Vermont, United States
Residence: 1930
Manhattan (Districts 0251-0500), New York, New York, USA
Age: 40
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Language: English
Father's birth place: Germany
Mother's birth place: Germany
Wife: Hortense Rosenberg
Children: Myron Rosenberg
Frances Rosenberg
Ethel Rosenberg
Jane Rosenberg
Township Manhattan (Districts 0251-0500) Enum. District 0437 Line 86
County New York Series T626 Image 519
State New York Roll 1556
Date 1930 Sheet 3-B
See household members

5 (Sheet 3B)
5 (Sheet 3B)
of 16

Relation to head Name Age
Head Erwin Rosenberg 40
Sister in Law Mary Hirsch 55
Wife Hortense Rosenberg 37
Son Myron Rosenberg 18
Son Frances Rosenberg 15
Daughter Ethel Rosenberg 12
Daughter Jane Rosenberg 8

I have removed Samuel and Hattie (Siegel) parents of Frieda (Greenberg Rosenberg

Samuel and Hattie (Siegel) Rosenberg are the parents-in-law of the Hortense in the post just above - do not see that fact nor the 1930 Census for her nor the fact there is a duplicate of her not connected to the World Tree relevant to the Topic of this Discussion.
Have no idea why the posts about her.

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