Removed how - wife or parents?
There is no doubt abut the marriage, father and children.
His marriage that confirms the father and spouse name https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/327/pv00000002954373
It is by the way impossible to be named both Torgersen and Pedersen, meaning son of Torger and son of Peder, - his sons might be named Pedersen as sons of Peder, but always check with primary sources to avoid fabricating facts.
It reminds me of a tree I once discovered where a person named all ancestors Pedersen. When I asked him his answer was that: Isn't it correct? - my name i Pedersen and his is the Pedersen family tree.
Jackie: No - Peder did never have the name Pedersen - at that time Pedersen was a shorthand for "Son of Peder", - later on that tradition went away and they started to use a fixed last name, - as late as in 1923 by law in Norway. If in doubt: Check his death record: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/267/pg00000003677017
Start searching for sources and use them. You have his complete birth date but absolutely no info where as an example.