Geni's suggested matches are programmed to lean towards the side of possibility, not probability. Apart from possible spelling variations, the Match Engine suggests profiles that have any matching forename (regardless of sequence/position) with any matching aftername (including patronyms and surnames -- both from birth and marriage). Therefore, if profiles match by any forename and any aftername, a match is proffered. It is up to the user to make the distinction to confirm or (more often than not) reject the match.
John Albert Rigali and Herman Booysen, on holiday with limited internet while I appreciate your suggestions and advice, if I understood Colleen Dorothy Maunsell correctly the topic is Confirmed Matches such as are visible on this profile:
No problem, John Albert Rigali...Just recently I saw one of these "pending Smart-matches" on my g-uncle's profile that was completely irrelevant (not the same person at all). And fortunately in that case it went away after updating his birth and death dates. But there are far too many and no guarantee that anything that simple would work in every case.
Anyhow, I would assume Colleen is really wondering (as do I) how to remove faulty Smart-Matches that have already been 'Confirmed' by another member.
Private User
yep you are almost correct the ones that people hit on to match up with profiles from My Heritage are the ones I am talking about...... they then get onto the Geni profiles WHY and how do I remove them ..... thanks for the merge today makes thing so much easier to see WHO my rellies are .. I see we are cousins ..Welcome to the family xx
what should happen is when people click the tick or x on My Heritage to match they should say NO dont take this to Geni.... for instance yesterday some one in M H had a close relative of mine ALLLLLLLLLLL BLOOODDY WRONG ....... had this person with no kids had this person husband died in a motor bike accident and WRONG surname..... then I looked a bit further and this person had my sister Deceased .... When I asked my sister yesterday who went to her funeral and how was her funeral did she enjoy it she said OOOHHHHH I did got drunk danced til I was tired then went home to bed..... and now that BLOODY IDIOt has the nerve to tell me I was WRONG SHE IS DEAD F F S and the other person had no kids etc etc etc .......... W T F .. If Geni and M H continue to let this happen I can see a mass of people paying to go to Ancestry ....... and dropping both Geni and M H
I was under the premise that as of 2021 Family Tree DNA took over the tree platform and propagating DNA to profiles based on autosomal, mitochondrial and Y-Chromosome matching which occurs when one clicks the DNA tab on the profile and then clicks the appropriate hyperlink.. In most cases you will find a list of living Family members whose DNA has been propagated to a Geni profile for DNA matching. This is why everyone has been getting a full DNA genome sequence. This allows Geni to now find previous matches who appear to pose discrepancy. Geni and FTDNA are performing DNA matching as of 2021. You will not be able to remove those matches easily as they are considered confirmed by DNA. Please verify. We are starting to see many profiles post their Gedmatch kits on their profiles for ease of confirming. I am pleased that Geni platform and FTDNA have made this improvement.
Vanessa Brooks DP713053C1... Hello Cousin Vanessa......how did we get to d n a ?????.
I got tested at Ancestry took the results to M H and Geni ... thats my doing.... we were discussing the smart matches from M H to Geni leaving some times up to 10 or more notifications on the bottom of profiles ..that we didnt ADD some ones else did I would like all those additions to my profles deleted..... BUT .. I DONT KNOW HOW TO GET RID OF THE BLOODY THINGS ....
When I click on Edgar Allan Poe and then click on the first confirmed match it takes me to myheritage. There I have the option to undo confirm on that match. I don't have an example in which I want to actually click on it, but I would hope that removes the match.
Jonathan Scott Krengel.. thank you ..Cousin Jonathan .. I guess you have to be a full paying member of M H to see the option to undo