Johannes Trapp, Graf von Matsch - Cousins

Started by Rachal Bhnay Davis on Monday, January 31, 2022
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1/31/2022 at 6:09 PM

Johannes Trapp, Graf von Matsch is your 15th cousin twice removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Robert Lucas Ingram
her father → Thomas J Ingram
his father → Jameson Ingram
his father → Benjamin Ingraham
his father → Elizabeth Ingraham
his mother → Elizabeth Slavens
her mother → Daniel Stuart
her father → John Stewart
his father → Hon. John Stuart
his father → Alexander Stewart
his father → Daughter Stewart
his mother → Duncan Stewart, 5th of Appin
her father → John Stewart, 4th of Appin
his father → Janet Gordon of Huntly
his mother → William Gordon, Last Catholic Bishop of Aberdeen
her brother → Margaret Leslie
his daughter → Marjorie Leslie
her daughter → Alexander Elphinstone
her son → James Elphinstone of Glack
his son → Jean Elphinstone
his daughter → James Leslie, Second Count Leslie of Germany
her son → Graf Jakob Ernst Leslie
his son → Graf Charles Cajetan Graf Leslie, 4th Count Leslie
his son → Gräfin Maria Cajetana Christine von Lamberg
his daughter → Graf Leopold Raimond Kasimar von Lamberg-Greifenfels
her son → Graf Anton Franz Leopold Raimund Lamberg von Stein und Guttenberg
his son → Graf Hugo Raimund Graf von Lamberg-Greifenfels
his son → Julia Maria von Lamberg Trapp von Matsch
his daughter → Oswald Trapp Graf von Matsch
her son → Johannes Trapp, Graf von Matsch
his son

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