Johann Adam von Grünewaldt - Johann Georg

Started by Charles Fison on Wednesday, February 9, 2022
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Hedwig v Stackelberg (1728-1758) is shown as mother of Johann Georg v Grunewaldt (1763-1817). Should this be Katharina v Stackelberg (c1734-1816)?

Already corrected.

Johann Adam von Grünewaldt is mu third cousin 6 times removed.
You Ingrida Cinkmane (Dzelvite)
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jahn Grahpe
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Carl Arnold Bar. von Vietinghoff
his father → Reinhold Johann Peter von Vietinghoff
his father → Augusta Christiane Isabella Elisabet von Vietinghoff
his mother → Reinhold Gustaf von Ungern-Sternberg
her father → Reinhold VII (Renaud) von Ungern-Sternberg
his father → Otto von Ungern-Sternberg, VI
his father → Gertrud Elisabet Uexküll
his mother → Gertruta von Lieven
her daughter → Maria Elisabeth von Grünewaldt
her daughter → Wolter Reinhold von Grünewaldt
her son → Johann Adam von Grünewaldt
his son

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