There were 5 between 1651 and 1665, one being Mary Wildman to Matthew Wildman of Selside & Clapham
Let's look at the others: (We may find siblings to the Matthew WIldman)
Richard Wildman bap. in Clapham
might be closely related to:
Matthew Wildman
as they were from the nearby communities of Clapham and Horton-in-Ribblesdale
We know that Matthew's father is :
Christopher Wildman de Newby
In reference to Mauda Greenfield we read about other Wildman <> Greenfield connections in theis will:
WILDMAN Alice of Cold Cotes
Nuncupative will and inventory 1624
In the name of god amen the xxxth day of may Ano
domini 1624 Alice Wildman doughter of Leonard Wildman of Caldcotts single woman deceased did make this her last will and testament nuncupitive in maner and forme followinge,
First she did Comitt her soule into the hands of Almightye god her maker and Redeemer and her bodye to be buried in the parishe Church of Ingleton at the discretion of her freindes Item she
did give one bond wherein Roger Readman is Indebtted unto her unto these fower
hereunder named, Vizt. she did unto Isabell, Alice and Margaret Burrow, doughters
of Edward Burrow, to everie one of them iijli vs,
Item she did give to Elizabeth Grenefeild doughter of Robert Grenefeild iijli vs
Item she did give unto Alice Readman the doughter of Roger Readman xs,
Item she did give unto her sister Isabell xxs which she was oweinge unto her at her decease,
Item she did give all the Rest of her goods ungiven unto her brother Richard Wildman, her Funerall expences first discharged out of the same,
And she did make her brother Richard Wildman the Executor of this her last will and testament, witnesse hereof Robert Wildman and Roger Readman,
The Inventorie of all the goods and Cattells of Alice Wildman of Caldcotts single
woman deceased praised the xxvth day of June 1624 by Robert Wildman Edward Burrow, Roger Readman Robert Grenefeild as followeth
Inprimis one bond wherein Roger Readman is oweing unto her xiijli
Item Remayninge in her brother Richard Wildman hands vli
Somma totalis xviijli
Richard Wildman of Cold Cotes mentioned
Alice Wildman of Cold Cotes, spinster mentioned
Issabell Proctor mentioned