Harriet Bush Burchall (Webb) - Obituary

Started by Anchor425 on Sunday, February 20, 2022
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2/20/2022 at 10:16 PM

This may be the obituary of Harriet, published on 18 Jan 1907Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express (Vic.):


Scarcely had the new year dawned upon us, when Death removed one who was widely known as "a good, kind creature." We allude to the death of the above lady, which sad event took place at Taggerty, on the 4th January. She was beloved by all and always ready to help those in need, especially kind was she to travellers passing her home-stead, the ever-welcomed cup of tea being always ready.

The late Mrs. Burchell was a very old colonist, and 83 years of age at the time of her death. She was a native of Calne, Wiltshire, England, and came to Adelaide, with her husband, in the ship Old Empire, in 1849, and settled at Mount Barker, S.A., where farming was carried on until 1859.

The gold diggings attracted Mr. and Mrs. Burchell to Victoria, when, in the same year, they settled in Amphi-theatre, having travelled overland. Mr. Burchell followed the occupation of carrier to the diggings, and soon had an extensive business with pack horses and bullock teams. In less than a year he relinquished the carrying business and removed to Back Creek, Daisy Hill, now Talbot. After four years residence, the family removed to Majorca, where farming was followed. Setting out, Mr. Burchall and sons selected at Taggerty, 31 years ago.

The late Mrs. Burchall, was of a kind and generous nature, and her death was keenly felt by her large family and a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. T. Burchall, sen., who is now 67 years of age is well and hearty, and with his family enjoys the respect of everyone.

The following are the members of the family: Mrs. T. Webb, William Burchell, John Burchell, James Burchell, Mrs. J. James, T. Burchell, jun., and Mrs McCarthy. The deceased lady had 25 great grand children at the time of her death.

The funeral took place on January 4th, a large cortege following the remains to the Alexandra cemetery.

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