Consistency Check:John BOYKIN contains incorrect use of uppercase/lowercase in his name.[fix case]John BOYKIN is under 14 years old for his marriage.John Boykin, Jr. born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Joel Boykin born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Daniel Boykin born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Patience Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Elizabeth Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Martha Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Sarah Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Eli Boykin born after the death of his mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Avey Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.Keziah Boykin born after the death of her mother Elizabeth Cherry Joyner.