I think everyone needs to get some prospective. yes everyone on the planet is to some extent connected to every other person on the planet but that doesn't mean it is wrong to try your best to determine those who have a closer relationship to us. for instance we know now that there is no gene for blue eyes what causes blue eyes is a mutation of the gene which prevents the creation of brown and science has determine that the source of the mutation was a person living in Central great Britain 6000 years ago and therefore every one on the planet is a cousin of every other person on the planet. I have blue eyes so if you have blue eyes we are cousins and does it really matter how many others are between you and I we are still cousins. enjoy it or ignore it
Private User
how did you get the blue eyes answer to my question that was........ is it OK to put who your 26 times great grandparents are in the discussions because they are famous ????
I do have bluey grey eyes and according to Genie we are distant cousins ..... so MAYBE your theory works .... Yeah Nah dont think so .....
Yes Ingrid our DNA paths seem to cross from time to time. I see your presence more because you are already there when i get there. We have many common but quite distant ancestors that have royale and noble ties ... although some are thousands of years back in time. Everyone descends from the many who came before us. Before Africa and Europe was defined our ancestors are showing the world the birth of humanity. Amazing how DNA traces our ancestors back to us. This cannot be erased. Mankind is like snowflakes. Raindrops. Thats how i see things.
Vanessa... 🦋