To daughter, JOYCE, wife of BARTHOLOMEW BRITTLE, ten shillings.
" Wills and Administrations of SURRY COUNTY VIRGINIA 1671 - 1750 " by Eliza Timberlake Davis : pg. 103 -
" PETTWAY, Edward : Leg. -
To daughter, ELIZA. , wife of SAMUEL JUDKINS, twenty shilling.
To daughter, JOYCE, wife of BARTHOLOMEW BRITTLE, ten shillings.
To daughter, FORTUNE PETTWAY, certain household goods, if she do not marry WILL. HUGGINS; if she do, only 10 shilllings.
To SARAH, daughter of ROBERT JUDKINS, a hog.
To son, WM. PETTWAY, all my estate, and make him Exer. 27 Oct. 1690. Prob. : 6 Jan. 1690.
Wit : Wm. Iles, Theoph. Forbush, Honor Blake. Book 4, p. 182. "
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