Gehrde Bindscha (Simson) - Photo of Gehrde Bindscha and place of burial/ Gehrde Bindscha foto ja tema hauakoht

Started by Private User on Tuesday, April 5, 2022
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Varem oli oletus, et Gehrde suri juba 1890, kuid tema tütretütre Alma Pauline Rebane pere andmetest selgus, et Gehrde suri 93 aastasena, seega 1925. Selline surmaaeg suurendab võimalust, et mõne tema järeltulija pereliikme käes võib olla foto Gehrde'st. Sooviks seda tuvastada, kui selline foto veel eksisteerib. Lisaks, on andmeid, et Gehrde maeti Valga linnakalmistule, praeguse avaturu ja vene kiriku lähistele. See kalmistu hävitati 1965. Kas keegi teab kinnitada perelugu, et ta tõepoolest oli sinna maetud ja kus see haud võis ligikaudu paikneda.

Before recently, there was a guess, that Gehrde died at 1890 already. But from a document about her granddaughter Alma Pauline Rebane, came out a hint, that she died at the age of 93 years, i.e. 1925. Such a death year makes it more possible, that some of her descendant's family member might have a photo of her still in her/his possession. I would like to find such photo if that is existing. In addition, there are some family story, that she was berried to the Valga town cemetery, which was located close to the current market square and the orthodox church in Valga. The cemetery was destroyed in 1965. Does someone know more precise family story, which assures that she was actually berried in that cemetery and tells her place of grave within this cemetery.

Kas keegi saab kaardil või maastikus näidata, kus asus Gehrde sünnitalu Branding Kaagjärve (Kawershof) mõisa maadel?

Can someone show on a map or in the landscape, where might the farmstead Branding of Kaagjärve (Kawershof), where Gehrde was born, did situate?


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