That only applies to individual profiles. Colleen Dorothy Maunsell, your request is a bit vague, but it seems to me that you're interested family groups and/or collaborators.
• https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229704247-What-is-a-Family-...
• https://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Family_Group
• https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229705467-Who-are-Collabora...
• https://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Collaborators
I mean when you add a profile then invite that person to Geni and you do the family and collab requests then you want to be a manager of that profile because you added it to Geni and the person wants you to manage the profile ............. and you cant ............why not ?????
do you have to undo the family and collab requests ???? or because its a claimed profile and that isnt an option any more to manage it ..........