Closest blood relation
Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney is my 7th cousin 14 times removed.
→ Mamie Lee Brooks (Williams)
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → John Foote of London
her father → Helen Hall
his mother → Richard Warren (aka Waller), of Bassingbourne
her father → Margaret Legh, of Lyme
his mother → Ellen Legh
her mother → Katherine Savage
her mother → Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
her mother → Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother → Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel
her father → Alice FitzAlan, Countess of Kent
his sister → Margaret Holland, Duchess of Clarence
her daughter → John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset
her son → Margaret Beaufort
his daughter → Henry VII of England
her son → Margaret Tudor, Queen consort of Scots
his daughter → James V, King of Scots
her son → Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney
his son
Shortest close family relationship
Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney is my third great grandfather's wife's husband's great aunt's husband's third great grandfather.
→ Kenneth Curtis Hosea
your father → Zebbie D. Hosea
his father → Nancy Caroline Hosea
his mother → Mariah Grayson
her mother → Dr. Squire Grant Grayson
her father → Mary Ann Erwin
his wife → Samuel Hugh Erwin
her husband → Jane Erwin
his mother → Gavin Witherspoon
her father → Janet 'Jennet' Fleming
his sister → John Fleming, Sr
here husband → Christian Airth
his mother → Sir James Graham of Airth, Kt.
her father → Agnes Gray, Countess of Menteith
his mother → Mary Stewart
her mother → Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney
her father