NN Fields ({unknown}), Native American/Canadian Indigenous - Indigenous

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Friday, April 22, 2022
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What is the proper term for "Indian Squaw" as opposed to Native American when the individual was born in Canada?

I have adopted a profile and removed the "name" "Indian Squaw" but do not think Native American is correct.

Some say aboriginal Canadian I would go with Native American because Canada is part of the Americas.

You can also say native Canadian but I believe the Canadians like aboriginal Canadian better.

Kevin Patrick Carey thank you very much

Reminds me-- on AncestryDNA my original results included Asia Central, Iberian Penninsula and Melanesia (among other trace) and I do think these are some of my Native American ancestors but who knows?
We only inherit so much from so many.

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