Hugues Capet, roi des Francs is your 30th great grandfather.
→ Mamie Lee Brooks (Williams)
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → John Foote of London
her father → Helen Hall
his mother → Richard Warren (aka Waller), of Bassingbourne
her father → Margaret Legh, of Lyme
his mother → Sir Piers Legh, of Lyme
her father → Piers Legh, IV, Esq.
his father → Piers Legh, III
his father → Sir Piers Legh II, of Lyme Hall
his father → Margaret Legh, of Clifton
his mother → Isabel Danyers
her mother → Sir William de Baguley, Knight
her father → Ralph (Rafe) de Baguley, Sir
his father → Sir Richard de Baguley
his father → John de Massey de Moreton
his father → Eleanor de Beaumont
his mother → Elisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Crépy
her mother → Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois
her father → Henry I, king of France
his father → Robert II Capet, "the Pious" King of France
his father → Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
his father