Where does Tabitha belong?
Are they the same?:
Tabitha Ann Huddleston
wife of the two Littleberry (same man, different parents)
Tabitha Huddleston (South) wife of William Huddleston
FS calls Tabitha Ann Huddleston MY 4TH COUSIN FIVE TIMES REMOVED but is through a line that is unconfirmed and remains disconnected on Geni.
I am revivsiting due to jmore/new DNA matches at Ancestry that show Littleberry Westas a common ancestor to me.
I had thought the confusion to be because of Littleberry Hicks but apparently not?
At any rate, my match to Tabitha at FamilySearch is:
Robert Chowning 1659-1698 m Anne Edith Poole 1663-1698 parents of my Elizabeth Chowning Crank mother of Sarah Crank Graves mother of Sarah Sallie Graves Israel Sarah Israel on my side and on Tabitha's goes Robert Chowning and Anne Edith Poole to Margaret Chowning Kidd (sister of "my" Elizabeth) to Margaret Kidd Southern to Benjamin Southern to Benjamin Jr to Tabitha.
Geni is slow as molasses today :(
Wikitree calls the two Tabithas half sisters: