Damaris Bland (Stockett) - WHOA THERE!

Started by Private User on Sunday, May 8, 2022
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There is *NO* documentation whatsoever for *any* parent for her, and only the vaguest inkling that her unknown first husband *might* have been a Stockett.

She *does not belong* as "daughter" of Thomas Stockett, Jr., Esq. and Frances Stockett (Aylesworth). They had no daughter Damaris.

The Nicholas Wyatt - Damaris marriage has been a brickwall thing all along. So I have gusstimated a lot of unsubstantiated and unsourced together. His Wyatt connection and her Stockett connection are open to question. I would like to to see documentation of his conversion to Quakerism. Speculations are now that he was a son of Gov. Francis W. To me an illegitimate line for each of them seems as likely as anything else and a good explanation for their removal to MD. The uncertain postings on my website.have the purpose of explaining the 8500 DNA matches I have at FTDNA and identifying matching segments with specific ancestors. matches with Wyatt ancestry are showing up, Matches with Stockett ancestry are not.

Nicholas Wyatt is at least as likely to belong to one of the Devonshire Wyatt families that have a "Nicholas" every generation or so. "Nicholas" is not a name that occurs with any frequency in Gov. Sir Francis Wyatt's line.

There was actually another Nicholas Wyatt - probably of Devonshire origin - in Virginia at about the same time. That one is known to have been the son of an Anthony Wyatt (of unknown antecedents), who was no possible relation to the Governor's family. Whether he was related to Nicholas of Anne Arundel is unknown and probably unknowable.

The statement that Nicholas Wyatt of Anne Arundel became a "convinced" (converted) Quaker, and "On October 10, 1662, he was fined 500 pounds of tobacco or two months imprisonment without bail for refusing to bear arms",. is found in "Anne Arundel Gentry", by Harry Wright Newman (page 347 of the online edition: https://archive.org/details/annearundelgentr00newm_0/page/346/mode/2up ). His source is "Besse's, Suffering of the People Called Quakers, printed in London 1733, vol. 2, p. 381".

Somebody claimed to have found a baptismal record for *a* Nicholas Wyatt in Chardstock, Dorset, England, for April 1620, father Tristram Wyatt, mother Rachel somebody. The difficulty is that this is reported from a compiled database, and no primary document is found with it.(People *have* submitted faked records to the Familysearch databases - at least one with the admitted intention of proving how easy it is to fake a record!)

As for Damaris, there remains no evidence as to whether she, or her unnamed first husband, was a Stockett at all, still less belonging to any Stockett on record.

Disconnected Demeris as child of Thomas Stockett, Jr., Esq.

And locking relationships & names.

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