Unknown Father of Robert de Brus is your 30th great grandfather.
→ Mamie Lee (Brooks) Williams
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → John Foote of London
her father → Helen Hall
his mother → Richard Warren (aka Waller), of Bassingbourne
her father → Margaret Legh, of Lyme
his mother → Sir Piers Legh, of Lyme
her father → Piers Legh, IV, Esq.
his father → Margaret Molyneux
his mother → Sir Richard Molyneux, 6th Earl of Sefton
her father → Sir Richard de Molyneux, IV
his father → Sir William Molyneux, Knight, Lord of Sefton
his father → Sir William Molyneux, Knight Banneret, of Sefton
his father → Lady Agatha de Kyrton, Lady of Sefton
his mother → Lady Alice Kyerton
her mother → Lucia de Brus, of Skelton
her mother → Peter ll de Brus, Baron of Skelton
her father → Peter de Brus
his father → Adam de Brus, Lord of Skelton
his father → Adam de Brus, Lord of Skelton & Cleveland
his father → Robert de Brus 1st Lord of Skelton and 1st Lord of Annandale
his father → Unknown Father of Robert de Brus
his father