Elizabeth of Ghent, joint heiress of the seigniory of Liedekerke - Primary Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, May 28, 2022
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Elizabeth (alias Ida)' of Ghent ? (G. de Liedekerke: Gavre, pp. 35-43). Children: -Razo III (VL, 1, no. 208, pp. 128-129 (1130) ). -Arnold (mentioned as a brother of Razo -111 (VL, 1, no. 244, P· 145 (1150)).
(Warlop, 809)

Poplimont, Charles. Heraldic Belgium: Complete Historical, Chronological, Genealogical And Biographical Collection Of All The Recognized Noble Houses Of Belgium, volume 6, LIEDEKERCKE 288-289. Adriaens, 1866.

Is this G. de Liedekerke? It's published 1866 > so possibly doesn't have primary sources if they are not being shown.

Again - I need more of a cutation for Warlop.

What primary source is he quoting? Can you quote it here?

Elizabeth of Ghent, joint heiress of the seigniory of Liedekerke is my 34th great grandmother.
Rasse III (1112) “dite Bertrand“ van Gavere, Lord of Chièvres, count of Everghem, baron of Flanders is my 33rd great grandfather.
Rasse II (1088) van Gavere, Count of Everghem is my 34th great grandfather.
Arnold of Gavere is my 7th cousin 21 times removed.

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