cc Yigal Burstein Randy Schoenberg
It looks like the ancestory of this profile are a messed up version of a tree from Weinstein.
On top of all this, Weinstock lists 17 generations from Judah Loew the Elder to Hai Gaon, but does not offer any sources in his notes. This leaves a large gap in the proof of descent, one that cannot be explained away. It spans approximately 400 years, no mention of which can be found in any chronicles, earlier or later. Here, for the record, is the sequence according to Weinstock: “Judah Loew the Elder, son of Bezalel, son of Jacob, son of Leibish, son of Kalman, son of Nachman, son of Joseph, son of Arieh Zev, son of Yerachmiel, son of Eleazar, son of Elijah, son of Azaryah, son of Lemil, son of Ezekiel, son of Azaryah, son of Abraham, son of Yechiel, son of Joseph, son of Hai Gaon.”
End quote.
I see many of the names above in the ancestor list for this profile, but not always in the right order.
Also see some of those profiles are "surnamed" Luria, which is clearly not correct.
No clue how to fix, but if we could get things straight here, with proper sources, this looks like a reasonable connection to the Gaonim, and hence to late antiquity.