Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English is your 28th great grandfather.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Raymond Earl Davis
his father → Ralph Raymond Davis
his father → Luther T Davis
his father → William Lewis Davis
his father → Rezin Hammond Davis, Jr.
his father → Capt. Rezin Hammond Davis
his father → Francis Davis
his father → Mary Elizabeth Davis
his mother → Henry Pierpoint
her father → Amos Pierrepont
his father → Henry Perpoint/Pierrepont
his father → Sir George Pierrepont, Kc, Mp
his father → Sir William Pierrepont
his father → Francis Pierrepont
his father → Lady Thomasine Pierrepoint
his mother → Margaret Melton
her mother → Roger de Clifford, 5th Lord Clifford
her father → Robert de Clifford, 3rd Lord of Skipton, Sheriff of Westmoreland
his father → Lord Robert de Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford & Marshall of England
his father → Sir Roger Clifford, Kt.
his father → Roger Clifford, Lord of Kingsbury
his father → Sibil d'Ewyas
his mother → Robert II de Ewyas, Baron of Ewyas Harold
her father → Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas, I
his father → Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas
his father → Ralph I "the Timid" de Mantes, earl of Hereford
his father → Godgifu
his mother → Æthelred "the Unready", King of the English
her father → Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
his father