Hello again
I have identified that Gidion Meljado born 1/10/1910 is my grandfather. He appears on my fathers birth certificate and we have his death certificate from Apalon Village, Myanmar in Indonesian and Dutch where he died 4/12/1943. They spell his name Gideon which is incorrect. The death cert identifies Gidion as coming from Magelang in Indonesia, that he divorced Maria Schipper (with an "s" on the end, also incorrect) His service number was 124201 . I also have his Japanese POW card .
My father's birth Cert identifies him as born in Cheribon to Maria Schipper and Gidion Meljado .
I have no marriage records but confirm from above and from my cousins that he married Maria Schipper in Indonesia,
I have found her as follows: Birth 12/2/1908. Daughter of Tieme Schipper and mother: Niah,
Tieme died 1917, Niah in 1933-34. (Niah would be Indonesian I expect (My aunt, Maria's daughter, Winny, said Tieme died suddenly of heart attack)
Maria remarried 1934: Henricus Fransiscus Rolfes. (Winny's father)
Supporting information re Maria (also noted as Marianna and Mary) is evidence of her sister Anna Grootjans (nee Schipper) who married Anton Grootjans. There is evidence that Anton Grootjans married Anna (nee Schipper) who is also from Cheribon Indonesia. There is also evidence of their arrival in Holland 1949 (repatriated).
I have photos of Maria Schipper, her second husband Hendricus and great aunt Anna Grootjans as my cousins in the USA (dad's brother's kids) visited them in Holland before he (Jacob Gerrat) passed.
Gerrit Louis Meljado: I have dad's birth certificate which identifies him as born in Ceribon and to parents Gidion and Maria Schipper.
Any other information you may have will be much appreciated
Linda Backus