Londchad ingen Eochu Echbel is your 60th great grandmother.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Raymond Earl Davis
his father → Ralph Raymond Davis
his father → Luther T Davis
his father → William Lewis Davis
his father → Rezin Hammond Davis, Jr.
his father → Capt. Rezin Hammond Davis
his father → Francis Davis
his father → Thomas Fredrick Davis
his father → James Davis, of Nansemond
his father → Maj. Thomas Davis, of Nansemond
his father → Capt. James Davies
his father → Elizabeth Davis
his mother → Agnes Lawrence
her mother → Elizabeth Holmes
her mother → Lady Jane Marie Warburton
her mother → Sir William Stanley, Kt.
her father → Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
his mother → Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother → Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel
her father → Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel
his father → Alice de Warenne, Countess of Arundel
his mother → Sir William de Warenne
her father → John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey
his father → Maud Marshal
his mother → Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
her mother → Eva of Leinster, Countess Of Stirgoil
her mother → Mor O'Toole
her mother → Cacht O'More
her mother → Loigsech mac Amargen Ó Mórdha
her father → Amargen mac Fáeláin Ó Mórdha
his father → Fáelán mac Amargen Ó Mórdha
his father → Amargen mac Cinaed Ó Mórdha
his father → Cinaed Ua O'Morda
his father → Cearnach O'Morda, King Of Leix, King Loigsi
his father → Cennitig mac Morda Macmorda O'cennetig
his father → Morda Ua Morda
his father → Cinead Ua Maccearnach O'cennetig
his father → Cernach mac Cennetig Laígsi
his father → Cennetig mac Gaethine, king of Leix
his father → Gaethine mac Cináeda, King of Leix
his father → Cinead mac Cathail MacCathal O'Mescell
his father → Cathal mac Berach MacBerach O'Mescell
his father → Berach Mac Mescell MacMescell
his father → Mescell mac Máel Aithgen, King Of Leix
his father → Mael Aithgen MacBerach O'Fachtna
his father → Berach mac Baccáin Laígsi
his father → Baccán mac Óengusa Laígsi
his father → Óengus mac Nastair O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Nastair mac Barr O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Barr mac Sarbile O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Sarbile mac Cormaic O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Cormac mac Columb O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Colum mac Lugnae O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Lugnae mac Eógan O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Eógan mac Guaire O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Guaire mac Erc O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Ercc mac Milige O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Milige mac Intait O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Intait mac Lugdach O'Fachtna Laígsi
his father → Lugaid Loisech Cennmar mac Conaill Cearnach Ulaid
his father → Londchad ingen Eochu Echbel
his mother