Consistency Check:George R. Hitt contains an incomplete death date, missing year.George R. Hitt contains an incomplete burial date, missing year.Haney Hitt (WILEY) contains incorrect use of uppercase/lowercase in her name.[fix case]Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) contains incorrect use of uppercase/lowercase in her name.[fix case]Andrew T. Hitt born after the death of his father William Hitt.James C. Hitt born after the death of his father William Hitt.Robert H. Hitt born after the death of his father William Hitt.David H. Hitt born after the death of his father William Hitt.Pinkney H. Hitt born after the death of his father William Hitt.Sallie Hitt born after the death of her father William Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Andrew T. Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child James C. Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Robert H. Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child David H. Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Pinkney H. Hitt.Nancy Hitt (RANDLE) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Sallie Hitt.