it is possible (as far as the birth dates) and it has been postulated, however it is just a theory and there is nothing to either supprot or disprove it. if you consider that as you go back in time there would be less and less wolfthsal and therefore there would be a greater chance of any two wolfsthals born around the same time being from the same family.
there is one very weak link between the two family trees (husiatyn & tarnopol) which are:
Lesar Wolfsthal, b. 1858 in husiatyn: Laser Wolfsthal
- and -
Lazar Wolfthal, b. 1857 in Tysmenytsya: Lazar [Louis] Wolfsthal
names given around the same time to newly born often indicate the recent passing of a relative. Lesar/Lazar is not a very common name, so this is less likely to be a coincidence, but not beyond the realm of possibility. if it is not random then it indicates that the two has a shared relative and therefore were related. they were the grandsons of Chaskel and Schloma respectively and perhaps they were named after a great grandfather lived to about 80 (again, not very likely but not impossible) and passed away shortly before 1857.
we see somehing similar after Schloma passes away and several great-grandchildren are named after him.